eLabtronics eRacer_16m is the newer modified version of the eRacer. It was created
in order to provide an introduction to electronics, microcontroller programming
and robotics. The eRacer_16m is particularly suited to educational and hobbyist
activities because of its low cost and comprehensive technical documentation. The
eRacer_16m utilises the innovative CoreChart and ezCircuit Designer software packages.
For detailed projects utilising the eRacer16m contact the STEMSEL Foundation or visit their website www.stemsel.com
Easily constructed by students who have basic soldering skills.
Kit supplied with eRacer_16m parts and electronic components.
Uses the PICF819 microcontroller via the eLab16m board.
The eLab16m is reusable, i.e. it can be used for other projects, not only the eRacer_16m.
14 lines wired for input and output operation.
Can be programmed to avoid obstacles, move along lines and even follow a light source.
Comes with eRacer_16m Robotics Resource CD, includes:
IBM PC Programming Software (CoreChart, ezCircuit Designer, MPLAB)
Detailed manual on electronic assembly and mechanical construction
Programming tutorials
Extensive technical data library
Input/Output Circuits
L293D driver chip used to operate two independent motors.
Infrared transmitter and receiver to detect objects in front of the eRacer_16m.
Two light sensors on the base of the eRacer to follow lines along the ground and
to detect different coloured light sources.
One bright red and one bright green LED mounted on the base of the eRacer_16m to
emit different coloured light
Two independent bright red LEDs at the front
One buzzer and One Pushbutton
Summary of Port Configuration
Printed Circuit Board (PCB)
100mm x 40mm
Tinned and Solder Masked
Component Overlay Diagram (on top)
Various Electrical Components
1x 1nf (102) Ceramic Capacitor
1x 10nf (103) Ceramic Capacitor
2x 100nf (104) Ceramic Capacitor
1x 100uf (104) Electrolytic Capacitor
1x 330uf (104) Electrolytic Capacitor
3x 1N4148 Diode
1x 1N5819 Diode
1x Zener Diode (4.7V/200mA)
1x 100uH Radial Inductor
1x 10ohm Resistor
1x 220ohm Resistor
5x 390ohm Resistor
1x 1kohm Resistor
1x 2.2kohm Resistor
1x 4.7kohm Resistor
3x 10kohm Resistor
2x 33kohm Resistor
2x Light Dependent Resistors
3x Super Bright Red LED
1x Super Bright Green LED
1x Infrared(IR) LED
1x 3-pin Infrared(IR) Receiver
2x BC337 Transistor
2x 2-pin Header
1x 10-pin Header
1x 16-pin Header
1x 8-pin IC Socket
1x 8-pin Timer IC
1x 10-pin Ribbon Connector
1x 16-pin Ribbon Connector
1x Piezo Buzzer
1x Tinned Wire Link
4x Metal Screws
8x Heat Shrink
Illustrated construction manual with all the mechanical components
Download eRacer 16m Documents
(Built and Tested: includes built eRacer_16m with CD)